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Innovative Bank Inc.

   Rural Bank of Pililla, Inc. was founded in 1965 by the Espiritu Family. Its main office is located at F. Martinez St., Takungan, Pililla, Rizal.


It first offered banking products such as savings account deposits and certificate of time deposits, while granting agricultural and commercial loans to the community.


In 1992, the Innovative Group led by the Peralejo Family purchased the bank. Since then, the bank has realized the greatest annual average growth rate in terms of total resources, capital accounts, deposits, and net income. The new group introduced a lot of improvements in the bank’s operation, such as the comprehensive use of information technology, building and office improvements, and new products like checking accounts, payroll disbursement service, SSS remittances, payment and collection services, aside from existing micro-sized loans to the needy sector of our society.


In 1994, Land Bank of the Philippines invested in the bank in the form of preferred shares and became its partner in progress. In the succeeding years, the Bank was given accreditation by various financial institutions, thereby proving the good standing of the bank. These institutions were Development Bank of the Philippines – IGLF, Land Bank of the Philippines – CLF, Small Business Guarantee and Finance Corporation (SBGFC), Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (GFSME) and the Home Insurance and Guarantee Corp. (HIGC)


In 1997, the Bank changed its trade name to INNOVATIVE BANK but retained its corporate name Rural Bank of Pililla, Inc. The Bank opened its first branch in 1998 in Taytay, Rizal.

The Bank opened its Microfinance unit in 2002.


In 2009, the bank’s approved name became INNOVATIVE BANK, INC. (A RURAL BANK).The bank also opened Other-Banking-Offices in Antipolo City in September 15, 2009 and in the Cogeo area in May 4 2010. April 6 2011 when the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) approved the conversion of these two (2) OBOs into Micro-Banking Offices (MBO).July 18 2011, BSP approved the establishment of MBO – Imatong, and eventually transferred to its present location in Tanay Rizal.January 4 2018, when the existing Micro-banking offices (MBOs) of Innovative Bank was converted into BranchLite-Units (BLU) to accommodate other loan products offered by the bank. 

                      is regulated by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas,
and is a member of                            , PDIC, and PESOnet.


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